Trapping of Continental Shelf Waves (TraCoWav)

DIDAKTOR (Post-Doctoral Researchers) - POST-DOC/0916/0138

Duration: 1/9/2018 � 31/8/2020




Project Objectives

The objective of the proposed work is to address a number of open questions regarding the trapping of CSWs, using more complicated models, taking into account the effect of stratification, free-surface, wind forcing and mean currents, by utilising analytical and numerical methodologies. We aim to examine trapping along various shelf-coastline geometries and at lake ends, including stratification and free-surface effects. The physical mechanisms exciting tCSWs will also be addressed, by adding wind forcing and tides into the models.

Thus, the research objectives of the TraCoWav project are:

Objective 1: To examine trapping along various topographic features employing more complicated models, which include stratification and free-surface effects.

Objective 2: To examine the physical mechanisms exciting tCSWs and assess their effect, by adding wind forcing to various coastline and shelf geometries and also investigate the effect of diurnal tides.

Objective 3: To show the existence of tCSWs in stratified lakes and semi-enclosed seas.



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