Sergios Agapiou
1 University Avenue 2109 Nicosia, Cyprus · [email protected]
I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cyprus.
My work is at the interface of Differential Equations and Probability/Statistics. More concretely, my research focuses on Bayesian nonparametric Statistics (including but not limited to inverse problems), and I am interested in both theoretical questions, such as the asymptotic performance of posterior distributions in the infinitely-informative data limit, as well as computational questions, such as the design and analysis of sampling algorithms in high dimensions.
I am also broadly interested in Data Science related questions, and I am one of the three directors of University of Cyprus' interdepartmental MSc in Data Science.
I am currently serving as chair of the Program Council and member of the Prize Committee of The International Society for Bayesian Analysis.
You can find my CV here.